Schlagwort-Archive: Erfahrungsbericht

Karima in Spanien – Teil 5

Unsere Jungunternehmerin Karima berichtet uns diesen Monat, dass sie während Erasmus für Jungunternehmer-Aufenthalts auf sich gestellt war. Lest selbst, wie selbst daran gewachsen ist, obwohl es nicht immer leicht war.


The inventory is finally done and Luis opened a new shop in Barcelona. For that reason I worked very independently in the past weeks. I created and sent the newsletters on a regular basis, stayed in touch with the bloggers and helped with the online orders at the shop.  Karima in Spanien – Teil 5 weiterlesen

Sadyk in Spanien 4

Sadyk erlebt während seines Austausches mit EYE, wie sich in Europa länderübergreifende Synergien und Zusammenarbeit auf Unternehmensebene entwickeln kann.


The time here at ICIRED seems to pass very fast. It feels as I just began here in Granada and as I watch the date it is June! Although the time is running I realized that we also managed to fulfil a heavy workload.

This month I was busy with two projects. The first one is a quite interesting one. Although ICIRED just works on a national level here in Spain, we realized that we have a lot of clients that have their roots outside of Spain, either retired people or employees from multinational companies that have a branch in Spain. Initiated by my colleague Luigi, the Head of Comercial Operations, we developed a plan to get in contact German companies that are operating in Spain and are therefore prospective clients on their LinkedIn profile. Sadyk in Spanien 4 weiterlesen

Rimante in Italien – Teil 4

„working under pressure and tight schedule“ – das ist das Motto von Rimantes 4. Monat bei ihrem Gastunternehmem in Italien, bei dem sie im Rahmen von Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs einen Austausch mitmacht. Warum genau ihr 4. Monat so ausgefüllt war? Lest selbst.


Like I mentioned last month, in March, project work continued. 21st of the month was another deadline – KA2 strategic partnership for adult education and VET. April 26 was another deadline – KA2 strategic partnership for Youth. This time I was trusted the task to design the project on my own.

„You Parkour“ participants in public gardens, Sassari

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Sadyk in Spanien 3

Nach nunmehr 3 Monaten in Spanien ist unser Jungunternehmer Sadyk vollständig in die laufenden Projekte seines Gastunternehmers Rafael eingebunden. Welche Aufgaben Sadyk übernommen hat und was er dabei lernt, schreibt er uns in seinem neuesten Bericht.


This month passed very fast due to the fact that it was quite busy here at ICIRED. Having finished the task concerning the website speed the next interesting project was to work on the content. To improve On page-SEO Rafael and I planned to create a couple of short explaining videos for our different services. Since the services of ICIRED being an online list of debtors and therefore a quite innovative business we are looking for ways to connect to our future customers taking also into account that these videos have an extra positive effect on our website performance. Sadyk in Spanien 3 weiterlesen

Karima in Spanien – Teil 4

Unsere Jungunternehmerin Karima ist inzwischen seit 4 Monaten in Spanien. Wie sie in dieser Zeit durch die Zusammenarbeit mit ihrem Gastunternehmer vorangekommen ist, könnt ihr in Karimas neuem Bericht nachlesen.

In the past weeks I was often at the shop and did the inventory, since the online and offline shops became one. This work is still going on. Besides that I finished my second blogpost which will be published soon J When Luis came from Barcelona to Granada we had the time to start taking pictures of the new products, he showed me how to create the newsletter for Mamahuhu and we worked on finances.

Karima in Spanien – Teil 4 weiterlesen

Rimante in Italien – Teil 3

Rimante arbeitet sie seit drei Monaten mit ihrer italienischen Gastunternehmerin auf Sardinien zusammen. Der gemeinsame Austausch gefällt ihr so gut, dass sie ihren Erasmus für Jungunternehmer-Austausch auch dank der Unterstützung von BUPNET verlängert hat!


The third month of EYE in Sassari, and I already feel at home in this cosy Sardinian town. I know my way around and stop for coffee in my favourite café on the way to the office, shop in the market and know my neighbours.

“Sleeping Giant” in Porto Conte

Rimante in Italien – Teil 3 weiterlesen

Karima in Spanien – Teil 3

Unsere Jungunternehmerin Karima hat sich nach 3 Monaten richtig gut in Spanien und ihr EYE-Gastunternehmen eingelebt, wie sie uns berichtet.


My third month with Mamahuhu (22.02.-22.03.2018)

In the third month a daily routine is reached slowly. I prepared as usually the online orders, worked on my second blogpost, and learn everyday about SEO strategies. A new task added was creating and sending Newsletter.

Last week big changed happened when Henrik and Effy who were responsible for the online shop, left the company. Karima in Spanien – Teil 3 weiterlesen

Sadyk in Spanien 2

Sadyk ist in seinem 2. Monat als Jungunternehmer bei Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs bereits aktiv in konkrente Projekten seines Gastunternehmers in Spanien eingebunden – aber lest selbst.


The basic task for this month is to optimize the Search Engine Rankings (SEO). In order to get an overview of our rankings, Rafael showed me the SEO-Tool Sistrix. To analyze the current Search listings in Google I made myself familiar with Sistrix. My research showed me that we have to work on the webpage speed.

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Rimante in Italien – Teil 2

BUPNET’s Jungunternehmerin Rimante ist in ihrem 2. Monat von Erasmus für Jungunternehmer voll in die Aufgaben ihrer Gastunternehmerin und in die Entwicklung ihres eigenen Unternehmens eingebunden:


The second month of EYE has found me in full immersion. I am learning every day. The highlight of the month – the implementation of a training course (TC) focused on ETC. ETC is a methodology of education through sport.

The participants of a TC in the frame of “SETEA” – Sport Education Triggering Entrepreneurial Action

Entrepreneurship, leadership, involvement, team building through sport are the main keywords that dominated my February in Sassari. TC activities were based on Non Formal Education tools as a medium for conveying entrepreneurial practices and values. Rimante in Italien – Teil 2 weiterlesen

Tim in Spanien 5

Bei dem Jungunternehmer Tim, den BUPNET in Spanien unterstützt, nähert sich allmählich das Ende seines Erasmus für Jungunternehmer-Austausches, wie er selbst ein wenig traurig feststellt.


Now already the February is over and my time with Lemongrass-Media as a “Young Entrepreneur” is slowly coming to an end. The February was also in Barcelona a bit colder and I witnessed a snowfall in Barcelona (allegedly happening once every 5 years). Even if the snow did not remain on the ground, many children got „school-free due to the snowfall“ here.

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