Rimante arbeitet sie seit drei Monaten mit ihrer italienischen Gastunternehmerin auf Sardinien zusammen. Der gemeinsame Austausch gefällt ihr so gut, dass sie ihren Erasmus für Jungunternehmer-Austausch auch dank der Unterstützung von BUPNET verlängert hat!
The third month of EYE in Sassari, and I already feel at home in this cosy Sardinian town. I know my way around and stop for coffee in my favourite café on the way to the office, shop in the market and know my neighbours.

January was a very busy month in the organisation, as the deadlines for Erasmus+ project application was constantly on the agenda (between other daily activities). And in the real life, the deadlines never end. February, I started working on KA2 projects. March, project work continues. 21st of the month was yet another deadline, this time, KA2 strategic partnership for adult education and VET. This month I was working closely with my Maria Grazia (my HE). She is a very experienced project designer and has an extensive network. I learn, that finding the right partners is one of the crucial parts in this line of work. If you have a good consortium, the project implementation and management will be smooth and bring positive experiences.
Our feedback sessions with my host entrepreneur are useful as always. I am crystalizing my idea and understand better, which services I could offer, and which tasks would be more interesting and easier to deliver. We discuss possibilities to cooperate in the future. Another important step that I took in March, I have decided to extend my stay here. May and June would give me more hands-on project implementation experience, and I am willing to take it.