Alle Beiträge von Maike

Viktoria in Schweden – Monat 2


Der Austausch von Viktoria in Schweden ist bereits wieder vorbei. Trotz der kurzen Zeit von knapp 2 Monaten hat sie viel getan, gelernt und für sich und ihr zukünftiges Business mitnehmen können.

In the second and last month of my Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, I was able to successfully work together with the host on the objectives and goals that we had previously set.

After analysing the farms daily business to get to know all the operations and tasks, strength and weaknesses, challenges and opportunities, we decided in a meeting what should be the next important step for the farm. Viktoria in Schweden – Monat 2 weiterlesen

Viktoria in Schweden – Monat 1

Viktoria wird in einem kurzen und intensiven Austausch von 7 Wochen in Schweden auf einer Farm mit dem Inhaber zusammenarbeiten und mit ihm ihre Geschäftsidee weiterentwickeln.

My first month in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme in Sweden is already over. I had a great start on my host entrepreneur’s organic farm in the south of Sweden. I was warmly welcomed by my host entrepreneur and all the people who live and work on the farm.

Viktoria in Schweden – Monat 1 weiterlesen

Jaqueline in Lisboa – Monat 4

Nun sind 4 Monate schon wieder vorbei und damit auch der letzte Austauschmonat von Jaqueline bei ihrem portugiesischen Gastunternehmer. Was sie in dieser Zeit getan hat und das Fazit von ihrem Austausch lest ihr hier:

In my last month at Build Up Labs I was able to complete some of my projects. I implemented our social media strategy for LinkedIn and Twitter to a large extent and have already achieved initial successes. Especially the traffic on our incubator website could be increased by continuous social media activities. Jaqueline in Lisboa – Monat 4 weiterlesen

Jaqueline in Lisboa – Monat 3

Drei Monate ist unsere Jungunternehmerin Jaqueline nun schon in Portugal für ihren Erasmus-Austausch. Sie übernimmt vielfältigen Aufgaben, um das Start-Up Ihres Gastunternehmers bekannter zu machen.

Developing a Marketing Strategy

Now I’ve been with Build Up Labs for over three months. I used June mainly to develop marketing strategies. I was able to finalize and present the social media strategy for our LinkedIn page. The goal for the next weeks will be to develop a continuous posting schedule. To simplify the process, all postings will be scheduled two weeks in advance and automated by using the tool Hootsuite. This not only saves time, but also guarantees high impressions and engagement rate. Jaqueline in Lisboa – Monat 3 weiterlesen

Jaqueline in Lisboa – Monat 2

Jaqueline ist nun schon ihren 2. Monat in Lissabon. Die erste Eingewöhnung in die neue Stadt und das neue Unternehmen sind vorüber, nun kann sie schon in viele Aufgaben tiefer einsteigen….

In my second month at Build Up Labs, I was able to complete some of the tasks I had already started. I was also able to further expand the social media strategy for the incubator. Together with a colleague, we conducted a social media analysis in which we recorded which postings on our channels achieved the greatest attention. This includes impressions, click-through rate, engagement rate, etc. To analyze this, we formed various categories such as brand awareness, announcements, knowledge sharing, events, etc. and created an overview. Jaqueline in Lisboa – Monat 2 weiterlesen

Jaqueline in Lisboa – Monat 1

Nach einer kleinen Pause hat BUPNET wieder eine Jungunternehmerin bei ihrem Austausch begleitet. Jaqueline hat für ihre Erasmus-Zeit die portugiesische Hauptstadt Lissabon gewählt. Ihren ersten Monat hat sie wie folgt erlebt:

During my first month as Entrepreneur in Residence, I have already been able to learn a lot in the field of strategic marketing. The goal of my exchange with Build Up Labs is to achieve a higher level of awareness for the incubator in Europe and attract new startups. For this purpose, one of my first tasks was to brainstorming possible marketing and social media activities. Ideas that I will implement during the next months include a Q&A for the company website and a newsletter for our network. Jaqueline in Lisboa – Monat 1 weiterlesen

Aimilia in Hellas – 2. Monat

Unsere Jungunternehmerin Aimilia ist nun schon seit 2 Monaten in Griechenland und hat ihre ersten selbstständigen Aufgaben für ihren Gastunternehmer durchgeführt. Welche das sind, erzählt sie uns selbst.


Second month in Greece and I am very happy experiencing all these new things. As September began I had to recruit Interns to join us for an Erasmus+ programme that took place on 14th-24th September. I was very happy because my Host was very proud of my choices. So the first 14 days of September I had to deal with the recruiting of an Intern and also to explain the area of responsibilities of the Intern for the Erasmus+ Programme.

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Aimilia in Hellas – 1. Monat

Im August hat eine neue Jungunternehmerin ihren Austausch begonnen. Aimilia wird für 6 Monate in Athen bleiben und dort mit dem erfahrenen Gastunternehmer Apostolos zusammen arbeiten. Wie ihr Erasmus-Austausch angefangen hat, beschreibt sie hier.

First month in Greece and specifically in Athens and it’s better than I thought. Although I come from Greece, I never had the opportunity to live in Athens and now I am going to become better acquainted with Athens thanks to the Erasmus program. When I arrived in Greece, I had a meeting with the team right away. They explained everything I needed to know about public transportation and we learned more about each other.  They made it clear that they would support me in my steps and that they would be there for me if I needed anything.  I really feel like I fit into this team and I am very excited about my new work adventure. Aimilia in Hellas – 1. Monat weiterlesen

Melanie in Amsterdam – Monat 1

BUPNET begleitet eine neue Jungunternehmerin bei ihrem Austausch mit Erasmus für Jungunternehmer. Melanie wird 3,5 Monate in den Niederlanden verbringen. Über ihren ersten Monat hat sie bereits einen Erfahrungsbericht verfasst.


The first month of my stay in Amsterdam is now over and up to now it has been an amazing and very exciting exchange. My host entrepreneur Gernot and his team from weGrow welcomed me very well and I felt like being part of the team since day one. Right in the first week of my exchange I could participate in a team session to prepare a culture map workshop for one of their clients and – later I also participated in the workshop at the client to see how it worked out. Furthermore, which was really the best start I could imagine, we had a team evening together, played laser tag, bowling and had some dinner. This was a great opportunity for me to get to know all team members better. Melanie in Amsterdam – Monat 1 weiterlesen

Jonas in Lissabon – Teil 4

Mit dem Januar endete auch Jonas viermonatiger EYE-Austausch in Lissabon. In seinem letzten Bericht lässt er uns daran teilhaben, was er aus dieser Zeit für sich persönlich und beruflich mitnehmen wird.


Is it over or has it just begun? Well, the EYE program is over, but my journey as an entrepreneur has merely started. Below I will layout a short resume of the 4-month program, share my learnings and successes, and give recommendations and inspiration to future participants.

All in all, I can say that the program was a success. Becoming part of beta-i, one of the leading players in Lisbon’s start-up scene, provided for an intensive head dive into the Portuguese Start-up Ecosystem. The connections I made there and on various events across all Lisbon have been and will be invaluable, and I am grateful to have met so many inspiring and motivated individuals. Moreover, moving to Lisbon and getting involved with the idea of Conscious Capitalism or Capitalism 2.0 (using the power of business as a force for good by focusing on all stakeholders and not just shareholders) and advocating for it has been nothing short of life-changing. It broadened my horizon and opened many opportunities. Jonas in Lissabon – Teil 4 weiterlesen