Enrico aus Sardinien hat sich für seinen Erasmus für Jungunternehmer-Austausch Deutschland ausgesucht. Seine Erlebnisse bei dem Gastunternehmer Guglielmo, den BUPNET betreut, stellt Enrico auch uns zur Verfügung.
What does it mean to be an Erasmus Entrepreneur?
“Erasmus once, Erasmus forever” we usually said during my student career, and I didn’t want to stop this kind of feeling. Be an Erasmus, for me, means discovery and curiosity towards everything that is different from what you know. During my Erasmus in Portugal as a student, and in Croatia as a marketing intern, I learned about different cultures, new languages, I made new friends around the world, I opened my mind, and now I’m a richer person.
Enrico in Deutschland – Teil 1 weiterlesen