Seit einem Monat ist unsere, von BUPNET betreute Jungunternehmerin Karima ebenfalls in Spanien, genauer gesagt in Granada. Was sie dort in dieser Zeit während ihres Austausches mit Erasmus für Jungunternehmer erlebt, hat sie uns geschrieben.
My first month in Granada with Mamahuhu
As an ethical shoe brand Mamahuhu is represented by two shops in Barcelona, one shop in the main shopping street of Granada and an online shop. The online stock is based here at the shop in Granada, where I am working. When I started this entrepreneurial exchange, Henrik and Effy were in Granada too. They run the online business, my main field
of interest. In these first days they showed me the stock, how to take professional product photos, put them online and work on the SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Beyond that I got important insights into preparing online orders for shipping and how to meet high standards of customer service, i.e. with each order the customer gets a handwritten card which explains shortly how they support ethical fashion by buying Mamahuhu shoes and who had made their handmade shoes. It is just great! Karima in Spanien – Teil 1 weiterlesen →