Schlagwort-Archive: Erfahrungsbericht

Melanie in Amsterdam – Monat 1

BUPNET begleitet eine neue Jungunternehmerin bei ihrem Austausch mit Erasmus für Jungunternehmer. Melanie wird 3,5 Monate in den Niederlanden verbringen. Über ihren ersten Monat hat sie bereits einen Erfahrungsbericht verfasst.


The first month of my stay in Amsterdam is now over and up to now it has been an amazing and very exciting exchange. My host entrepreneur Gernot and his team from weGrow welcomed me very well and I felt like being part of the team since day one. Right in the first week of my exchange I could participate in a team session to prepare a culture map workshop for one of their clients and – later I also participated in the workshop at the client to see how it worked out. Furthermore, which was really the best start I could imagine, we had a team evening together, played laser tag, bowling and had some dinner. This was a great opportunity for me to get to know all team members better. Melanie in Amsterdam – Monat 1 weiterlesen

Jonas in Lissabon – Teil 4

Mit dem Januar endete auch Jonas viermonatiger EYE-Austausch in Lissabon. In seinem letzten Bericht lässt er uns daran teilhaben, was er aus dieser Zeit für sich persönlich und beruflich mitnehmen wird.


Is it over or has it just begun? Well, the EYE program is over, but my journey as an entrepreneur has merely started. Below I will layout a short resume of the 4-month program, share my learnings and successes, and give recommendations and inspiration to future participants.

All in all, I can say that the program was a success. Becoming part of beta-i, one of the leading players in Lisbon’s start-up scene, provided for an intensive head dive into the Portuguese Start-up Ecosystem. The connections I made there and on various events across all Lisbon have been and will be invaluable, and I am grateful to have met so many inspiring and motivated individuals. Moreover, moving to Lisbon and getting involved with the idea of Conscious Capitalism or Capitalism 2.0 (using the power of business as a force for good by focusing on all stakeholders and not just shareholders) and advocating for it has been nothing short of life-changing. It broadened my horizon and opened many opportunities. Jonas in Lissabon – Teil 4 weiterlesen

Jonas in Lissabon – Teil 3

Seit drei Monaten ist Jonas nun bei beta-i in Lissabon. Was er im Dezember alles erlebt, gelernt und erfahren hat, teilt er uns mit.


New month, new challenges.

It’s the beginning of January already and last month has been, both, insightful and exhausting. In the last month‘s report I announced that I switched my undertaking due to my newfound passion for social impact, the project’s possibility to affect many other lives positively and, well, the fact that my old project won’t provide the opportunity to sustain myself long-term. In this piece I want to explain more about the challenges that I faced when tackling the new idea and what I did to overcome them.

The first and biggest problem was to define the exact problem I am tackling. While this sounds easy, it is actually a really hard thing to do. Jonas in Lissabon – Teil 3 weiterlesen

Jonas in Lissabon – Teil 2

In seinem zweiten Monat mit beta-i hat Jonas bereits einiges über sich und seine Geschäftsidee gelernt und beschlossen, diese anzupassen.


Time is passing fast, it’s the end of November already. This month has been filled with action: re-planning, pitching and pivoting. I have made many new contacts and I reprioritized the undertakings I am tackling.

It all started with the Web Summit – a huge event with 70.000 people from the tech industry – here I Lisbon. I was a volunteer and therefore had the chance to hear inspiring talks, get to know other start-ups, pitch a new idea and generate leads. New idea? Yes, I am switching paths: I will keep the Lacrosse platform alive, but I will focus the big chunk of my time on a new project.

Jonas in Lissabon – Teil 2 weiterlesen

Fenna in Wales – 1

Eine weitere neue Jungunternehmerin von BUPNET ist Fenna. Sie wird ihren EYE-Austausch in Wales auf einer Farm verbringen, die zugleich Bildungsangebote anbietet.
Fenna hat einen Bericht über ihre Erfahrungen der ersten beiden Monate geschrieben.

During the first month of the EYE exchange, I learned about the Cwm Harry Land Trust and their purpose of establishing businesses that are owned by communities. Their main goals are social cohesion and finding ways to protect the environment, which I find really intriguing. Their largest project, Ffarm Moelyci, which is a farm of 349 acres in Wales that is owned by several parties as a social project, involves a plant for converting biomass into charcoal, as well as a café that offers locally grown foods. I have been showed around and explored the farm area, as well as the biomass plant. Fenna in Wales – 1 weiterlesen

Vesselina in Österreich – Monat 4

Nach vier Monaten endet Vesselinas „Erasmus für Jungunternehmer“-Austausch mit SuperSocial in Wien. Einen letzten Bericht hat sie über ihre Erfahrungen noch geschrieben.

During my last month with SuperSocial I had the chance to put my digital skills even more into practice by supporting the SuperSocial team during the LED Professional Lighting Conference in Bregenz. It was exciting to dive into a totally different industry but also to discover how essential light is in our lives and what huge effect it subconsciously has on our mood, concentration capacity and perception faculty. The trends of this industry again showed me how important digital applications are, for example to measure and monitor the outcome of light. Vesselina in Österreich – Monat 4 weiterlesen

Jonas in Lissabon – Teil 1

BUPNET hat mit Jonas einen Jungunternehmer, der seinen Erasmus für Jungunternehmer-Austausch in Portugals Haupstadt, Lissabon verbringen wird.


It has been a month now that I have been in Lisbon and it’s safe to say that it has been an incredible experience so far. Having started to work part-time at beta-i, a company that brings corporations, start-ups and investors together to facilitate innovation, has provided me with a great overview of the start-up ecosystem in Lisbon and gives me the opportunity to get insights about my undertaking from various perspectives. But let me start at the beginning: Jonas in Lissabon – Teil 1 weiterlesen

Vesselina in Österreich – Monat 3

Was Vesselina in ihrem 3. Monat in Österreich erlebt hat, schildert sie uns in ihrem neuen Bericht.


Looking back at this month and almost approaching the end of my erasmus programme I am very happy I had the chance make this exchange with SuperSocial. Since the world of digital tools and the world of videos cross each other in many different ways I appreciate every new insight I get and everything new I learn. Recently, Mathias had organized a programm called „Digization“ that provided knowledge and experience in working with different digital tools like Kahoot, Slack, Mindmup, Franz, Mentimeter and how to use Whatsapp Messenger for Business. Here, I did not only learn a lot about these new tools but I could also establish new important contacts. Vesselina in Österreich – Monat 3 weiterlesen

Erfahrungen einer Gastunternehmerin


Daniela Marcozzi, Gründerin und Leiterin des Marcozzi Contemporary Theater in Berlin hat einmal aufgeschrieben, warum sie als Gastunternehmerin am Erasmus für Jungunternehmer teilnimmt und wie sie persönlich, aber auch ihr Unternehmen, von dem Austausch profitiert.


The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneur is a clever and useful program that consistently enriches both sides: the New and the Host Entrepreneur.
After being a New Entrepreneur, I decided to become, in turn, Host Entrepreneur because I realized that by collaborating with another expert of my field,
my company would grow and I would be able to extend my contacts, my networking and my vision. My work is based on having new ideas, crating, sharing, discussing, trying out things, therefore the collaboration with a person willing to learn the business of my company helps me to find new energy and input to create things that alone I would never create. Erfahrungen einer Gastunternehmerin weiterlesen

Vesselina in Österreich – Monat 2

Seit nunmehr zwei Monaten ist Vesselina bei SuperSocial in Wien. Viele neue Programme hat sie dabei kennengelernt und ein Event hat ihr besonders gut gefallen.


Like my first month in Vienna, the second one was full of exciting projects. One which particularly inspired me was the „You facilitating you“ programme that was focusing on working with young people and providing leadership skills. Vesselina in Österreich – Monat 2 weiterlesen