Erfahrungen einer Gastunternehmerin


Daniela Marcozzi, Gründerin und Leiterin des Marcozzi Contemporary Theater in Berlin hat einmal aufgeschrieben, warum sie als Gastunternehmerin am Erasmus für Jungunternehmer teilnimmt und wie sie persönlich, aber auch ihr Unternehmen, von dem Austausch profitiert.


The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneur is a clever and useful program that consistently enriches both sides: the New and the Host Entrepreneur.
After being a New Entrepreneur, I decided to become, in turn, Host Entrepreneur because I realized that by collaborating with another expert of my field,
my company would grow and I would be able to extend my contacts, my networking and my vision. My work is based on having new ideas, crating, sharing, discussing, trying out things, therefore the collaboration with a person willing to learn the business of my company helps me to find new energy and input to create things that alone I would never create.

What I gain from each match varies according to the profession of the New Entrepreneur.
In my specific case, I had the chance to confront myself with another artistic point of view and learn new techniques and theories in the field of theater.
I got practical help in the moment of stress, such as fairs, performances, festivals;
I get help in planning the activities of my company, in designing promotional paper material, in extending my contacts and increasing the visibility of my company on the internet.
I could re-shape and refine the identity of my company by improving the graphic of my web channels, discussing about aesthetic aspects, about my logo and my style, etc.
The match with a young expert of the filed may clarify and enrich the vision and mission of the company, through discussions and through practical work.

This program is a great occasion to think and eventually re-think some aspects of the company: its vision, its potentialities, its future thought sharing knowledge with new entrepreneur working or interested in the field.
The management and bureaucracy of the program is very slim, efficient, intuitive and fast, as well as the communication with the IO agency.
The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneur is meant for active and positive entrepreneurs, with the desire to grow as business person and as human being.