Sadyk in Spanien 5

Für unseren Jungunternehmer Sadyk, der bei einem Gastunternehmer in Spanien ist, sind nun schon 5 Monate vorüber. Dort ergeht es Sadyk wie jedem von uns: Die Zeit verfliegt einfach viel zu schnell!


This month did not feel to have 30 days referring to the tasks we accomplished as well to the time to learn new things.

The acquisition of new clients from German companies that I started with my colleague was an interesting task. Getting in contact with the financial representatives we received a 20 % ratio of Interest in our service. As more than 50% of the companies are multinational corporations this was a good reply rate. The following steps were to inform them in detail about our service and how they could benefit from it. Going through this step we experienced a bounce rate of most of the contacts. Analyzing this I proposed to create a visual template for a better User Experience to approach new clients. So I worked on a template which visualizes our service instead of sending Emails with long texts that might not be handy if opened on mobile devices. Finished the infographic we are working on a sustainable strategy to start a new round getting in touch with our prospective clients.

A side project this month was to improve the Google Analytics account for the Blog of ICIRED.  Due to the fact that my Spanish proficiency does not serve to create content for the Blog, I every now and then help out if my colleague from the Content Management needs technical assistance. To get a better insight into how the readers are acting on the different blog sites reading articles and going through the contents we made use of Google`s Analytics and Tag Manager tools. The first tag we created tracks where the readers leave the Blog and the second tracks when the readers leave our site by clicking a web banner. Actually, this is an easy task using the Tag Manager, making the technical issue very intuitive. But since the colleague so far did not work with both Google Analytics and Tag Manager I assisted her and explained the different steps where I learned a lot and which was also very fun!

So again a very interesting month that passed in terms of the diverse tasks.