Melanie in Amsterdam – Monat 2

Trotz der weltweit angespannten Lage hinsichtlich des Coronavirus, hat sich unsere Jungunternehmerin Melanie dazu entschlossen ihren Austausch in Amsterdam fortzusetzen. Lesen Sie, wie Melanie und ihr Gastgeberunternehmen weGrow die neuen Herausforderungen aktuell angehen.


Time is running – my second month in Amsterdam is already over. It has happened and changed a lot during this month, especially because of the corona virus, but I still enjoy my time here in Amsterdam. First of all, at least one positive side effect of the corona virus is that I can experience the city of Amsterdam in a whole different way, without any tourists and crowded places. I enjoy going out for walks through an almost empty city and see all the beautiful sights of Amsterdam.

Next to that, of course, like many other companies also weGrow is facing a hard time at the moment. Getting new clients in gets even more difficult in a time where a lot of start-ups have issues to survive this crisis. Due to that, in the past month, we had a lot of brainstorming session with the team, to discuss how to adapt our services to get knew clients in. We tried new ways of working together and implemented to work in Sprints. Fortunately, I could bring in my expertise to this and helped to structure the process. I am now responsible to lead the team through the Sprints and adapt the way of working after each Sprint. Furthermore, I had first conversations with a potential client, located in the Netherlands, offering software solutions for the public sector in the Netherlands and Belgium. Their aim is to expand their business as well to the German public sector. Due to my experience in the German public sector, I can play an active role in this project. This helps me, to experience the whole consultancy process of the weGrow company, starting with first conversations, creating a proposal etc. – and, of course, gives me a lot of energy to push my own consultancy service forward.

Regarding my consultancy, I am currently working on developing concrete workshops for potential clients in the public sector. My time in Amsterdam already showed me, that it is easier to offer general products/ workshops/ methodologies, especially from a marketing perspective, and adapt them to the client’s needs than only offering consultancy service on a more general basis. My goal for 2020 is to sell at least 5 of these workshops to new customers. The next month, I will focus further on the development of these workshops and figure out ways how to reach more attention of new potential clients.