Jonas in Las Palmas – last month

In the fourth and final month of my participation in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program in Gran Canaria, I can look back with pride on the significant progress and achievements I have made in my entrepreneurial journey.

This month I have fully devoted myself to the creation and management of an online community for The Investor University. The goal of the project was to transform an existing group of students and members into a thriving and interactive community where they could share valuable insights and information about investment strategies.

With the guidance and support of my host entrepreneur, I successfully developed a long-term strategy for managing the online community. I worked to understand the needs and expectations of the platform’s users, assess their responses and satisfaction, and make the necessary improvements to enhance the user experience and increase engagement.

One of the key aspects of the project was the use of Discord, a communication platform, for community management. I learned the features and functions of Discord and, with HE’s guidance, created a content plan and scheduled regular posts to keep the community engaged. Through continuous changes, activities, and multimedia content, I ensured that the community remained active and grew.

During this month, I also honed my marketing skills and learned effective strategies to promote the online platform and build a strong user base. The HE provided me with valuable insights into user interactions and activities, which helped me plan new courses and tools to effectively meet their needs.

The experience of managing the online community was invaluable, and I gained skills in customer service, data analysis, content creation, and social media management. I also improved my image and video editing skills, which will be useful for future marketing efforts.

Overall, my participation in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program in Gran Canaria was a life changing experience. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to be surrounded by experienced entrepreneurs and experts who guided and inspired me on this journey.
Now, as I approach the end of the program, I am excited and confident to start my entrepreneurial journey with a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience. I am determined to apply everything I have learned to successfully start and run my own business, and I look forward to making a meaningful contribution to the entrepreneurial community. The Erasmus program was the steppingstone I needed to achieve my dreams, and I will always cherish this transformative experience.

Jonas in Las Palmas – month 3

In the third month of my participation in the „Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs“ program in Gran Canaria, I have experienced a remarkable development. My skills and knowledge as a young entrepreneur have developed and I feel increasingly confident and competent in my role.

This month I have focused intensively on implementing my business idea. With the help of the experienced entrepreneurs and experts on site, I have refined my business model and adapted it to the requirements of the market. Through their valuable advice and constructive feedback, I was able to further develop my ideas and concretize my plans.

By actively contributing to new ideas and processes, my creative side is strengthened and improved. Through the increasing responsibility I can make more decisions on my own and I learn to deal with the consequences.

The inspiring atmosphere here in Gran Canaria has further fueled my creativity and innovation. The beauty of the island and the pleasant climate contribute to the fact that I feel motivated and full of energy every day. Being able to relax on the beautiful beaches after work or take advantage of the wide range of leisure activities on offer has helped me find a healthy balance between work and leisure.

With each passing day, my enthusiasm for my entrepreneurial journey grows and I firmly believe that after completing the Erasmus program, I will be well prepared to successfully start and run my own business.

Jonas in Las Palmas – month 2

Jonas is currently doing a 6 months exchange in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. Here you can ready what he has experienced during his second month.

In the second month of my participation in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program in Gran Canaria, I have fully engaged in the whole process. I have reached a point where I can handle most tasks independently and my level of responsibility is steadily growing. Applying my newly acquired knowledge and skills to my future projects has become second nature, and the program provides me with a safe and supportive environment in which to hone my skills.

One notable change during this month has been the continued development of my mindset. I have embraced an entrepreneurial mindset that allows me to more effectively execute my ideas and vision. I have learned to look at situations from different angles, which allows me to look at things from different angles and come up with innovative solutions.

My constant thirst for knowledge drives me forward, and I am constantly having new and exciting experiences. This continuous growth in knowledge has equipped me with the tools to tackle new challenges with ease. I am adept at dealing with various problems and have developed a repertoire of solutions. This new found resourcefulness not only enables me to overcome obstacles, but also paves the way for my continued personal and professional development.

Gran Canaria’s vibrant environment has provided an inspiring backdrop for my entrepreneurial journey. The entrepreneurial spirit on the island has served as a catalyst for my own innovative thinking, and I am motivated to push the boundaries of my comfort zone.

Participating in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program in Gran Canaria has been an invaluable opportunity for me to expand my skills and knowledge to pursue my path as an entrepreneur. The practical experience I am able to gain here is unparalleled and will undoubtedly have a positive impact on my future professional endeavors. I am very grateful for this opportunity and look forward to the remaining time in the program where I can continue to learn, grow, and take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way.

Jonas in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria

As a young entrepreneur, it is always important to develop and acquire new skills. Therefore, I was very grateful when I learned that I could participate in the Erasmus program in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. My focus is on developing a camping app.

In my first four weeks here, I have already learned an incredible amount. I am surrounded by experienced entrepreneurs and experts who support me with valuable advice. The atmosphere here is truly inspiring and it’s great to work with others who all have their own innovative ideas. I am impressed by the openness and positive energy that exists here.

I feel warmly welcomed by the Erasmus program host company and we have already formed a strong community. We work together and support each other in our projects. There are also many opportunities to improve our knowledge and skills.

Being here in Gran Canaria also contributes to my positive experience. The weather here is fantastic and the beaches are breathtaking. There are many activities offered, which provides variety and ensures that there is never a dull moment. This helps me to relax and switch off from work.

Overall, I cannot stress enough how valuable this experience has been for me as a young entrepreneur. I am very grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus program and look forward to learning and growing even more in the coming months. I am sure that this will help me to successfully start and run my business.


Liebe Unternehmer,

wir laden Sie ein, Entrepreneurship4All zu entdecken – die neue E-Learning-Plattform der Europäischen Kommission! Entrepreneruship4all ist kostenlos und umfasst Kurse zu vier Kompetenzbereichen: Unternehmertum, Digitales, Finanzen und Nachhaltigkeit.

Die Plattform unterteilt sich in drei Lernstufen: Anfänger, Mittelstufe und Fortgeschrittene. Für jede Stufe gibt es ab dem 24. April Zoom-Sitzungen, für die Sie sich kostenlos anmelden können. Treten Sie der Plattform jetzt bei, um Ihre Unternehmerkompetenzen zu stärken!


Dear Entrepreneurs,

we invite you to discover Entrepreneurship4All – the European Commission’s new e-learning platform! Entrepreneruship4all is free of charge and includes courses on four competence areas: Entrepreneurship, Digital, Finance and Sustainability.

The platform is divided into three learning levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. For each level, there will be Zoom sessions from 24 April for which you can register for free. Join the platform now to strengthen your entrepreneurial skills!

Viktoria in Schweden – Monat 2


Der Austausch von Viktoria in Schweden ist bereits wieder vorbei. Trotz der kurzen Zeit von knapp 2 Monaten hat sie viel getan, gelernt und für sich und ihr zukünftiges Business mitnehmen können.

In the second and last month of my Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, I was able to successfully work together with the host on the objectives and goals that we had previously set.

After analysing the farms daily business to get to know all the operations and tasks, strength and weaknesses, challenges and opportunities, we decided in a meeting what should be the next important step for the farm. Viktoria in Schweden – Monat 2 weiterlesen

Viktoria in Schweden – Monat 1

Viktoria wird in einem kurzen und intensiven Austausch von 7 Wochen in Schweden auf einer Farm mit dem Inhaber zusammenarbeiten und mit ihm ihre Geschäftsidee weiterentwickeln.

My first month in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme in Sweden is already over. I had a great start on my host entrepreneur’s organic farm in the south of Sweden. I was warmly welcomed by my host entrepreneur and all the people who live and work on the farm.

Viktoria in Schweden – Monat 1 weiterlesen

Jaqueline in Lisboa – Monat 4

Nun sind 4 Monate schon wieder vorbei und damit auch der letzte Austauschmonat von Jaqueline bei ihrem portugiesischen Gastunternehmer. Was sie in dieser Zeit getan hat und das Fazit von ihrem Austausch lest ihr hier:

In my last month at Build Up Labs I was able to complete some of my projects. I implemented our social media strategy for LinkedIn and Twitter to a large extent and have already achieved initial successes. Especially the traffic on our incubator website could be increased by continuous social media activities. Jaqueline in Lisboa – Monat 4 weiterlesen

Jaqueline in Lisboa – Monat 3

Drei Monate ist unsere Jungunternehmerin Jaqueline nun schon in Portugal für ihren Erasmus-Austausch. Sie übernimmt vielfältigen Aufgaben, um das Start-Up Ihres Gastunternehmers bekannter zu machen.

Developing a Marketing Strategy

Now I’ve been with Build Up Labs for over three months. I used June mainly to develop marketing strategies. I was able to finalize and present the social media strategy for our LinkedIn page. The goal for the next weeks will be to develop a continuous posting schedule. To simplify the process, all postings will be scheduled two weeks in advance and automated by using the tool Hootsuite. This not only saves time, but also guarantees high impressions and engagement rate. Jaqueline in Lisboa – Monat 3 weiterlesen