Jonas in Las Palmas – month 3

In the third month of my participation in the „Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs“ program in Gran Canaria, I have experienced a remarkable development. My skills and knowledge as a young entrepreneur have developed and I feel increasingly confident and competent in my role.

This month I have focused intensively on implementing my business idea. With the help of the experienced entrepreneurs and experts on site, I have refined my business model and adapted it to the requirements of the market. Through their valuable advice and constructive feedback, I was able to further develop my ideas and concretize my plans.

By actively contributing to new ideas and processes, my creative side is strengthened and improved. Through the increasing responsibility I can make more decisions on my own and I learn to deal with the consequences.

The inspiring atmosphere here in Gran Canaria has further fueled my creativity and innovation. The beauty of the island and the pleasant climate contribute to the fact that I feel motivated and full of energy every day. Being able to relax on the beautiful beaches after work or take advantage of the wide range of leisure activities on offer has helped me find a healthy balance between work and leisure.

With each passing day, my enthusiasm for my entrepreneurial journey grows and I firmly believe that after completing the Erasmus program, I will be well prepared to successfully start and run my own business.