Alle Beiträge von Sarah Wild

Melanie in Amsterdam – Monat 2

Trotz der weltweit angespannten Lage hinsichtlich des Coronavirus, hat sich unsere Jungunternehmerin Melanie dazu entschlossen ihren Austausch in Amsterdam fortzusetzen. Lesen Sie, wie Melanie und ihr Gastgeberunternehmen weGrow die neuen Herausforderungen aktuell angehen.


Time is running – my second month in Amsterdam is already over. It has happened and changed a lot during this month, especially because of the corona virus, but I still enjoy my time here in Amsterdam. First of all, at least one positive side effect of the corona virus is that I can experience the city of Amsterdam in a whole different way, without any tourists and crowded places. I enjoy going out for walks through an almost empty city and see all the beautiful sights of Amsterdam. Melanie in Amsterdam – Monat 2 weiterlesen